Thursday, August 19, 2010

owwwhhh how i hate my boss

got rid of my old boss.. but the new boss turned out to be 10 times worse than the old one.. i want my pay... want my salary... stupid boss... 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Be strong

she told me bout her miserable life. she told me that her life was sucks. mine too.. but please.. dearie, life must go on. i'll be by ur side. always.. remember... be strong!

those who try to alter time and ways will fall into the blackness of the night. let life go on that way. dont u believe that the life we breath does not turn and the air we live does not care.

a hidden reserve within each of us. the ability to do what we must. but no matter how many times we fight, it does not increase our might. the meaning of strength is not to win, it is to keep coming back again. it allows us to get to our feet by doing that we help others in need. it means not being a pillar for just oneself and giving inspiration to someone else. for when each of us draw on our strength.

so when you feel low and your supporters are wrong... remember it takes a weak person to be strong.

life and its own journey

Life is a remarkable journey that takes us up and down a road of happiness, growth, personal interaction, love, fear and sometimes pain and hardship, which comes with all the good we are blessed with. Everyone has their own journey, yet we all experience the same emotions and struggles that are synonymous with life.

From birth to death we are always experiencing sensations from the world we live in. We are nurtured, loved, taught and grow through every good time and bad time we encounter. Every stage of our life prepares us for the next. We learn to be social beings by socializing with our loved ones and also everyday people who cross our path. We learn about each other through interaction.