Friday, November 12, 2010

When You Love Someone Too Much

To love someone is to have such strong feelings, so deeply felt that your life would not be complete or the same without them. You would do anything in the world to be with them and you will do absolutely everything for them because it feels good and right. This reminds me of a song by Canadian artist Brian Adams Everything I do I do it for you. He sings of a strong love in this song. A love that everything he does makes him feels so good and it feels so good because he is doing everything for her, the one he loves. The same feeling is described in the poem The Faultless Painter. In this poem there is a man named Andrea who will do anything for this girl whom he loves very much, but this feeling is not mutual. He makes promises, paints pictures and gives her the money to give to her lover because of gambling debts. This is what he means when he says: "I'll work then for your friends friend, never fear".

If love so important to have that one doesn't want to lose it, why is it when we find true love we often don't notice it? where is the true love? please show me once..


Octavia Hardy said...

true love is in your heart :)

whitecoffeekaw said...

yes and u r.... coz i love u.... i love u for no reason at all cause i'm affraid that if i have a reason to love u, i'll have a reason to leave u

I Am Aya Majorca said...

dear...dont ever let go if u u really love her..dont ever leave coz it will be a worst mistakes..i wish the best to both of u...have a great love...)

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